St Paul Apostle South

Learning & Teaching

Performing Arts

At St Paul Apostle South School we are triple threats in training. We sing, we dance, we act. Students are immersed in Music, Dance & Drama. One term is devoted to musical theory, learning notes, pitch, beat and rhythm by singing along with known songs but also composing their own musical rhythms or pieces. Another term is dedicated to practical musical skills on various instruments including: untuned percussion, tuned percussion, recorder, ukulele, African drums and hand bells. Students learn how to read or follow basic music and share their musical ability with their peers. Next we explore the elements of drama and performance skills where students act out known stories as puppet plays, short skits or self composed plays. Lastly, we focus on dance and movement, keeping in time, using space and relationship to follow along with and choreograph their own short dances.

Every second year, all students come together to produce a whole school concert where students have the opportunity to show off all of the performing arts skills that they have learnt.

Faith, Inspire, Challenge, Empower